Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Italian Bread: Terranova Bakery

Anthony Terranova, the owner of Terranova Bakery, in Bronx, NY, tells us what makes a good, healthy, Italian Bread.

In general, two things make one bread a healthier option than another: Few ingredients and Unrefined flour.  In terms of few ingredients, our bread has no added sugars, corn syrups, or preservatives, which make it a much healthier option than a Wonder-bread type of product.  The healthiest bread option includes, and may be limited to, the basic ingredients of flour, water, yeast, and salt.  However, the flour must be 100% unrefined whole wheat flour to be the healthiest option available.  When the flour is unrefined it breaks down easier in the body for energy.  When bread is labeled multgrain that can simply mean that there is a mix of refined flour and unrefined flour, so 100% whole wheat with no additives is what you're looking for.  When looking at the store, our bread is a superior option to many products out there, but there are other companies, like Vermont Bread Company that make a phenomenal product.

Visit his website to learn more: