Americans like to spend hours on the treadmill, elliptical machine, rowing machine, or recumbent bike.
Italians like to walk or bike everywhere. Whether it’s to and from the local market or taking a stroll after a meal, using their legs and feet as a form of transportation is often favored compared to driving a car or a Vespa.
Americans like to lift weights or use the weight machines at the gym.
Italians lift their groceries and their children, they enjoy keeping a well-kept home by doing chores, they knead their bread and pasta dough, they stir their homemade sauces, and they tend to their gardens and flowers.
Americans like to do squats and lunges.
Italians like to walk up and down the hilly streets to visit their families and friends.
Americans like to do endless crunches and sit ups.
Italians love to laugh. (A great ab exercise!)
Americans like to watch TV to relax.
Italians like to dance to let loose and relax.
Many Americans are in love, but Italians are known for love, and we all know that love is slimming!